Sunday, May 9, 2010

La Musique

While some people associate memories with a scent, I almost always associate it with a song. Or a series of songs. Or a band. In good times and bad, music has always provided me with a sense of "rightness". That is to say, a particular song can make a good moment even better or a bad moment just that much worse.

Consequently, I just don't get it when people aren't into music. They clearly have never had that feeling. You know, the one where you hear a certain song and something inside of you just starts moving. And you're smiling, and suddenly the whole day melts away and it's just you and this song and it is as if the song was written just for you. And of course it is! Because obviously no one in the world could connect with this song the way you are, at this moment, in this place, with these emotions. 

There are three bands in particular lately that rock my socks. Mumford & Sons is a group from the UK who sing with such emotion that you can't help but be reminded that life is to be lived with vigor. Yeasayer is an outrageously awesome group whose clever arrangements make me want to dance every time. And Frightened Rabbit. That voice is the butter on my baguette of life.

Mumford & Sons, The Cave
Yeasayer, Ambling Alp
Frightened Rabbit, Swim Until You Can't See Land

Showing a little pomp and pride at Toots & the Maytals, Brooklyn, NY 2009.

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